In the serene neighborhood of Ihokelwa, within the Kilolo district of the Iringa region, resides Zuwena Haruna Bakari, a determined 32-year-old mother of four, two daughters and two sons. With TAPBDS, Zuwena embarked on a journey that changed her life and impacted her community. Her tale is a story of ours. Let’s uncover the trip.
In 2021, Zuwena founded Zuwhar Enterprises, a business dedicated to processing nutritional flour. However, like many budding entrepreneurs, she faced significant challenges. The lack of grinding equipment, weighing scales, packaging materials, market assurance, and limited knowledge about processing posed obstacles that threatened to stifle her dreams.
Her entrepreneurial journey took a new and exciting direction when she was introduced to TAPBDS, an organization implementing the AID-I project funded by AGRA under USAID. She discovered this opportunity through a partnership initiated between TAPBDS and the Tanzania Women Chamber of Commerce (TWCC)’s Youth Wing in Gangilonga, Iringa, where she is an engaged member.
Having recognized Zuwena’s potential and determination, TAPBDS registered her among the AID-I project beneficiaries where she obtained substantial support that helped her overcome the challenges she faced.
With the project assistance, Zuwena received a grinding machine for nutritional flour, 300 packaging materials, and a digital scale capable of weighing up to 600 kg. TAPBDS also offered entrepreneurial training, equipping her with the skills needed to succeed. Moreover, she had the opportunity to attend the Nanenane International exhibition in the Dodoma region, gaining invaluable market opportunities.
Armed with new resources and knowledge, Zuwena’s business is flourishing. Her production capacity has tripled from 100 kg to 300 kg per month. Her market has expanded beyond the local region, and she has gained a reputation for maintaining business discipline and meticulous record-keeping, attracting a loyal customer base. She mentions that as the green light in the dark TAPBDS switched in her business and life.
As Zuwhar Enterprises grows, Zuwena dreams of establishing a factory that meets all legal requirements and quality standards, ensuring her products are always available when needed. She envisions distributing her high-quality products across Tanzania and beyond, sharing the taste of her homeland with the world. With aspirations of establishing a recognized TBS certified brand, Zuwena is a testament to the power of resilience, community support, and unwavering determination that TAPBDS has sharpened.
The Journey of Zuwena Bakari and TAPBDS is one of the triumph stories over adversity, inspiring others to believe in their potential and pursue their dreams against all odds. Today, let TAPBDS know your business needs; they will sharpen your path to prosperity.